human-computer interaction

Defend your enemy. A qualitative study on defending political opponents against hate speech online

Both hate speech and disinformation negatively influence the internet’s potential for public deliberation and lead to polarization between political groups. In this paper, we examine the potential of counter speech to bolster public deliberation and …

Filter Bubbles and Content Diversity? An Agent-Based Modeling Approach

Personalisation algorithms play an important role in catering the information that is relevant to us. The best results are achieved by the algorithms when they monitor the user activity. Most of the algorithms adapt to the users’ personal preferences …

Investigating key factors for social network evolution and opinion dynamics in an agent-based simulation

In recent years social media platforms have experienced increasing attention of researchers due to their capabilities of providing information and spreading opinions of individuals, thus establishing a new environment for opinion formation on a …

Making reproducible research simple using RMarkdown and the OSF

The replication crisis has further eroded the public’s trust in science. Many famous studies, even published in renowned journals, fail to produce the same results when replicated by other researchers. While this is the outcome of several problems in …

Netlogo vs. Julia: Evaluating Different Options for the Simulation of Opinion Dynamics

Analysing complex phenomena, such as the world we live in, or complex interactions, also requires methods that are suitable for considering both the individual aspects of these phenomena and the resulting overall system. As a method well suited for …

User behavior and awareness of filter bubbles in social media

To counter information overflow, social media companies employ recommender algorithms that potentially lead to filter bubbles. This leaves users’ newsfeed vulnerable to misinformation and might not provide them with a view of the full spectrum of …

Opinion formation on the internet: The influence of personality, network structure, and content on sharing messages online

Evaluation of a financial portfolio visualization using computer displays and mixed reality devices with domain experts

With the advent of mixed reality devices such as the Microsoft HoloLens, developers have been faced with the challenge to utilize the third dimension in information visualization effectively. Research on stereoscopic devices has shown that …

On the Importance of Context: Privacy Perceptions ofPersonal vs. Health Data in Health Recommender Systems.