
Masken für alle? Die Wissenschaft sagt ja.

Übersetzt: André Calero Valdez (+ DeepL). Soll man nun Masken tragen oder nicht? Sicher, es ist kompliziert. Aber nicht so …

Using Netlogo for Disease Modeling

Overview Since the term “Simulation” or modeling was used frequently in the media recently to get an understanding of the spread of …

Testing regular expressions with

Using the apastats package to write reproducible reports

Overview Writing a research report using RMarkdown allows you to start your analysis even before you have collected the data. This is …

rmdtemplates package update

Upgrade to Kickstart Academic 4.7

New year, new version I have started to migrate my website to version 4.7. Since I was using version 2.4, almost all changes seem to be …

New Course - Empirical Methods using R

This winter semester I am starting a new course on empirical methods in social sciences. The whole course will be based on using the R …