Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung für Fortgeschrittene - Lecture

Course information

In this course, the topic is the use and reflection of scientific methods. The focus lies on quantitative methods of social science research. In this course you will learn both to design empirical research questions from theory and data, and learn to analyze quantitative data using the language R. The aim is to understand when to apply which method. How to apply them correctly, and how to interpret data from these methods.

The course is supported by DataCamp a provider of online tutorials for the R language. Along with this course, the seminar “Empirisch-experimentelle Forschungsmethoden in der Anwendung” should be taken. As here, the theoretical input from the lectures will be applied and trained.

Course schedule

The course is held every winter semester.


Slides can be found here.

Warning! The slides are being developed during the course.


The coursebook for empricial methods of social sciences can be found here.

The relevant chapters are:

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2

Shinystats online Lern-Tool

Link zum Github Respository


Wintersemester 19/20 Material

Link to the Main GitHub Repository:

WS 18/19 Video Material

Was sind Forschungsmethoden

Qualitative und quantitative Methoden

Wissenschaftstheorie und Empirie

Forschungsinstrument, Messtheorie, Skalen

Deskriptive Statistik

Verteilungen, Zufall und Stichproben

Leider ohne Ton.

Nachreichung mit Ton.

Inferenz, Hypothesen, t-Test, Fehler 1. und 2. Art

Alpha-Fehler Kummulierung, Bonferroni, ANOVA

Kovarianz und Korrelation

Audio fehlt. Zweite Aufzeichnung wird nachgereicht :(

Mit Audio als Kurzzusammenfassung

Lineare Regression

Wiederholung und Likert Skalen

Video-Vorlesung: Conjoint-Software


Old Video Material

Video-Lectures Flipped Classroom

The following videos are based on the old course that relies on SPSS.

All videos can be watched in a playlist here.


Mittelwert und Standardabweichung

Deskriptive Statistik und Korrelation

Induktive und Deduktive Verfahren

Explorative Statistik

Signifikanz und Bedeutsamkeit

Stichprobe und Grundgesamtheit

Lineare Regression



André Calero Valdez
Junior Research Group Leader

I am the research group leader of the junior research group “Digitale Mündigkeit” studying effects human-algorithm interaction.
